Thursday 17 September 2009

The last Antarctic Huskies - from Scott Base

Mike and Kulak, Scott Base huskies. During the summer of 1969-70, they were the two best dogs on my team. Chris Knott used Rangi as his lead dog. Photo: Bob McKerrow

Polar medals, knighthoods, and a host of accolades have been bestowed on those who have carved their names in Antarctic ice, but of the hundreds of faithful huskies who pulled their hearts out opening up the New Zealand sector of Antarctica, what is their memorial?

A lone husky in Central Park New York, honours one husky, Balto, who in 1925 saved a community in Alaska from Diphtheria. Huskies at Scott base saved one New Zealander, George Marsh from dying of Diphtheria, but no bugles or no drums for them !

After heated newspapers debates in January 1986 when the DSIR’s Antarctic Division announced they were pulling the huskies out of Antarctica, not a lot has been written about them since. In this article I attempt to give the full history of huskies that lived at Scott Base and played such in vital role in surveying and exploring the New Zealand sector of Antarctica.

Two of the best: Rangi (left) and Oscar (right) 1969 Scott Base. Photo: Bob McKerrow
The start of New Zealand’s involvement in acquiring dogs for pulling sledges in Antarctica starts in 1955 when mountain guide at Franz Josef, Harry Ayres was selected by Sir Edmund Hillary for the first New Zealand Antarctic Expedition. Harry was attached initially to the Australian Antarctic Expedition engaged in the relief of Mawson Station where the Australians had promised 26 huskies, bred at Mawson.

Finding money for the expedition and for the dogs in particular, was difficult. The government gave a grant of 50,000 pounds but the rest of the money was raised by the strenuous efforts of innumerable district committees and private individuals. The greatest per capita enthusiasm was shown by children. The boys of Wellington College contributed $300, enough to pay for a sledge and a dog. Some youngsters raised money by rearing and selling guinea pigs and tadpoles! With the expedition running on a shoe string budget, Harry left Sydney aboard the Ice-breaker Kista Dan. He sailed on to Melbourne, passed by Heard Island with its amazing sheer pinnacle of rock, ‘Big Ben’. Before reaching Antarctica, the Soviets who were establishing their first Antarctic base made contact with the ship. At Mawson, Harry had his first opportunity to learn something about huskies. These dogs were the descendants of huskies of Greenland-Labrador cross (Malamutes) that were presented to the Australians by the ill-fated ship, the Commandant Charcot, which failed to reach the Antarctic in 1949 as part of the French Government’s attempt to establish a base in Antarctica. The dogs were off -loaded in Hobart.

Harry Ayres and Murray Douglas, two top dog handlers

Harry Ayres returned with 26 huskies via Kerguelen Island, a French Antarctic Base, arriving in Melbourne in March 1956. The final stage to New Zealand was abroad a Bristol Freighter which flew to Brisbane, Norfolk Island, Auckland and finally Christchurch. By now the dogs were tired and upset by the noise and heat. The final stage of the journey was by army truck to Mount Cook where they were tethered in a wire enclosure beyond the Hooker Bridge from March to June 1956.

Click on this photo to see the expedition training on the Tasman Glacier/

Today, the place is named Husky Flat. In June, Harry Ayres was joined my Murray Douglas and two men Hillary selected from the UK: Dr George Marsh and Lt. Commander Richard Brooke.

Richard Brookes

They were both experienced dog handlers having spent seven years in the Polar Regions. The dogs were kept fit, most days they pulled an old car without an engine up to Ball Hutt and back, much to the amazement of bewildered tourists. Some trips over the hooker flats were attempted but inevitably the dogs would become entangled in the Matagouri bushes. It was with some relief for both dogs and handlers when they moved up the Tasman Glacier to Malte Brun Hutt in June 1956. The conditions were so much better with the dogs spanned out in the snow around the hut.

While the first 26 huskies, which were soon to become 34 with the arrival of puppies, were enjoying the snow of the Tasman Glacier, 12 more huskies were being loaded into the HMNZS Endeavour on the 18th of August 1956 at Butler’s Wharf on the South Bank of Thames just below the Tower Bridge. The huskies were housed in kennels on the ship foredeck and, except for a spell of rough water in the Bay of Biscay when they were all sick, they withstood the long journey to New Zealand well, via Kingston, Jamaica, Panama Canal and Tahiti.

In Tahiti the crew and the dogs received traditional Tahitian hospitality with each of the dogs being garlanded with flowers. After eight weeks out from London the dogs landed in Auckland where they were quarantined in Auckland Zoo until they went south.

Fifteen husky pups, bred at the Auckland Zoo, were about nine months old when they arrived at Mt. Cook for the further training. One reliable source believes these pups were bred from descendants of the dogs used by Admiral Richard Byrd for his 1928-30 Expedition to Antarctica.

On 21 December 1956 when the HMNZS Endeavour, left Bluff she carried with her most of the men and dogs ready to set up New Zealand’s first base in Antarctica, Twenty-four of the remaining dogs, mostly the untrained dogs from Greenland and some of the Auckland Zoo pups, were taken to Scott base aboard the American cargo ship the SS. Private John R. Towie a WW2 Victory Class cargo ship.

On January 5 1957, the majority of the 61 huskies set their paws on Antarctic ice. After some local training trips with the dog teams a longer trip commenced. On 19 January 1957 three teams left Scott Base to cross the McMurdo and Ross Ice Shelves to the Skelton Glacier, but five days later they were back. George Marsh got terribly sick a few days out and with poor radio communications, Brooke and Peter Mulgrew made a mercy dash back to get medical help. Sensing the urgency, the dogs covered the 50 km back to Scott base in just over seven hours, a speed of just over 7km an hour. Marsh was airlifted out the next day suffering from diphtheria

Dr George Marsh

This was not the first time huskies have been involved in life-saving action against diphtheria. A monument of the most famous Greenland Husky of all, Ba lto, in Central Park New York, keeps the courageous image of this breed alive. Photoof Balto below.

In 1925, the gold rush town of Nome in Alaska, was threatened by a diphtheria epidemic in the middle of a dark winter, and the only way to save the lives of over 2,000 inhabitants, was to get a twenty pound packet of diphtheria anti- toxin over a trail that usually took 25 days. The word was flashed out by telegraph from Nenana, Alaska to diphtheria stricken Nome, over 674 miles of the roughest, most desolate country in the world. The route was known as the Iditarod mail trail, now a famous dog sled race.

The dog drivers were predominantly Innuit, Athabascan Indians and Scandinavians. The little Norwegian Sepal with his lead dog Togo, made 84 miles in one day. Gunnar Kasson ran the last 55 miles to Nome, with 13 dogs. He left in total darkness and in an 80 mph wind driven snow storm. The lead dog Balto an Inuit Siberian, put his nose down and sniffed and felt his way along the hidden trail. In the tradition of the great Innuit huskies, Balto, ears flattened against his head, to keep out the driving snow, nose working to pick up the trail, guided his team, driver and serum to Nome. When they reached their destination at 5.30 am on February 2nd, the half frozen Kasson collapsed by his battered dog team and began pulling ice from Balto’s frozen feet. “Balto”, he was heard to mumble…..” Damn fine dog.”

A seal is butchered by Richard Brooke for some hungry dogs, (plus some seal liver for the dog handlers, see on the right!) Spring Journey, at the Stranded Moraines, Sept. 1957. Photo. Bernie Gunn.

During the summer of 1957, the New Zealand expedition huskies went on many trips with their drivers moulding and training them into solid teams.. However, training the dogs had its moments. Bob Millar describes one of those periods when the dogs would do nothing right. “ Dog trouble was with us yesterday and it looks like it will be another problem day. “ We were so exasperated that we turned a bitch loose and the dogs, like a pack of rugby forwards, surged forward, never noticing the 1000 pound load behind them.”

At Midwinter's Eve,1957 Bob Miller deputy leader says a few words. Bob, or Sir J Holmes as he later became, was an artilleryman in the desert in the war. On left is Dr Trevor Hatherton, geophysist and IGY chief. On right is Dr Ron Balham, our resident biologist. He also was co-opted for a time into driving tractors to the Pole.

The greatest feat of exploration in Antarctica by New Zealanders using dog teams was the Northern Party of The Trans Antarctic Expeditions (1955-58) which left Scott Base on the 4th of October 1957, comprising, Brooke, Gunn, Warren and Douglas.

The Northern Party at Corner Peak, Feb. 1958. Photo: Bernie Gunn

They returned to Scott base on February 6th 1958 having travelled over 1000 miles by dog sledge and had obtained the information required for the preliminary geological and topological mapping of 20,000 square miles of rugged mountain country. In terms of knowledge gained, geological, exploratory and topographical, this journey might well be regarded as the most rewarding in Antarctic history. A tribute to the two teams of huskies that pulled all the equipment, food and supplies for 127 days.

A photo taken by Bernie Gunn when he used dogs on an expedition to climb Mount Huggins.

By late 1959 the dog population at Scott Base had dwindled to 26 dogs. The New Zealanders, realising the usefulness of the dogs for field work, decided to search for more dogs. In May 1960, Wally Herbert, Dr. Hugh Simpson and Myrtle Simpson (a New Zealander) were driving through Arctic Norway and in an old Austin van, planning to explore Spitzenbergen. Wally and Hugh had spent many years in Antarctica together. Late in May they arrived in Tromso, the northern-most village in Norway, renowned as a starting point for Arctic expeditions, having seen Nansen, Amundsen, Sverdrup and many others depart here by ship for the unknown. In this remote Arctic village, Wally Herbert received a telegramme from the New Zealand Government asking him to go to Greenland and buy twelve dogs for the NZ Antarctic Expedition, and transport them via the USA, Hawaii, Fiji and Christchurch to Scott Base where he was invited to join the expedition for two summers and one winter.

An early Antarctic Husky listening to a grammaphone. Photo taken by Herbert Ponting on Scott's Terra Nova Expedition.

Wally carried on with his expedition on Spitzenberge (now Svalbard) for a few weeks, before he had to kayak along the coast to Longyaerbyen to catch a boat back to Norway. Three weeks later he arrived in Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland. He made his way to Jacobshavn which had a dog population of over 3000: two dogs to every human being. This village had supplied dogs to many polar expeditions and there was always great excitement when ‘Kabloona’s’ (whitemen) came to buy dogs. Wally recalls his days in Jacobshavn, “the villagers were delightful old rogues to deal with when it came to buying dogs, and some of my happiest recollections of Greenland are the wranglings between dog owners and myself through interpreters. I often received the most incongruous answers that were presumably lost in the translation, but by drawing portraits of dog owners and priming them just before the final purchase with a crate of beer, I eventually got the dogs I wanted.”

The Greenland huskies were flown south aboard a Globemaster of the US Military Air Transport Service from California, arriving at Scott Base at the end of October 1960.

The 1963-64 summers saw the end of an era in Antarctica with the introduction of ‘Tin Dogs’, motor toboggans, winding up a decade of dramatic journeys by dog sledge. It was fitting that Bob (Sir Holmes) Miller, Ed Hillary’s deputy on the TAE, led the last major New Zealand dog sledge expedition. In 101 days, this expedition collection over 500 geological specimens from 145 localities, occupied over 50 stations. In all they sledged 1600 miles and surveyed 49,000 square miles of previously unmapped country.

From 1964 onwards, most New Zealand field parties moved about by motor toboggan. The dog teams continued to be used for short scientific and field trips of a recreational nature.

When I arrived at Scott Base in October 1969 I did numerous trips with Chris Knott the dog handler.

Chris Knott, dog handler Scott Base 1969-70, hitching up a team to the sledge at Scott Base, Photo: Bob McKerrow

Often we would set off with a team each and race over the ice shelf towards Mt. Lister and Huggins, or visit the Shackleton and Scott Huts at Cape Royds and Cape Evans. In a strange way, although being a science technician, I became the second dog handler and helped Chris to train, to feed them, and to assist him with the unpleasant tasks of killing aging seals to feed them over the winter. My lead dog was Rangi and he was an enormously strong dog and I spent many sunny evenings down at the dog lines talking to the dogs one by one, but Rangi always got special attention.

Chris Knott leaving the dog lines at Scott Base, for a training trip 1969. : Bob McKerrow

From 1970 onwards, efforts were made to acquire dogs from other Antarctic bases to minimise in-breeding. In 1975 a bitch and a dog came in by Twin Otter from the British Base Rothera. They evidently mated in the air over the South Pole and their progeny were successfully integrated into the Scott Base teams. In 1979 pairs of huskies were exchanged between Mawson Station and Scott Base.

In January 1986 when the DSIR’s Antarctic Division announced they were pulling the huskies out of Antarctica, Christchurch newspapers debated the issue at length. While this debate was raging, I was slugging it out on the Arctic Ocean with 49 huskies, as a member of Will Steger’s International North Pole Expedition. During the training period and on the expedition, Will often quizzed me on Antarctica and of his dream to cross the continent with dogs.

Will Steger driving a team of dogs on his 1986 North Pole Expedition

When I returned to New Zealand I saw an opportunity for the Scott Base dogs to be kept together, and to go to a good home with Will Steger, the veteran Arctic explorer, at his homestead near Ely Minnesota where he runs a dog sledding outdoor centre. I began negotiations on behalf of Will Steger with Bob Thomson, Director of NZ Antarctic Division. That was in the days before New Zealand’s Antarctic bureaucracy had reached its politically correct zenith, and the deal was finally sealed with a handshake and a few beers with Bob Thomson. The Scott Base Huskies’ had their last winter in Antarctica in 1986.

The author, Bob McKerrow on a training trip with Will Steger on Baffin Island in 1986.Photo: Will Steger

The last outing by the Scott Base dog team was on 17 January 1987.

The dogs on the team were: Jens, Bjorn, Footrots, Odin, Kiri, Nimrod, Tania, Stareek, Julick, Monty, Herbie, Casper. Tama and Rehua

Each name has a history. Monty after Colin Monteath a mountaineer and Antarctic traveller, Odin after Mt. Odin overlooking Vanda station and named by Colin Bull, Nimrod after Shackleton’s ship. Arnold Heine, veteran of countless trips in Antarctica, calculates there have been between 500 and 600 named dogs at Scott Base in the 30 years they have been in the NZ sector of Antarctica.

Arnold Heine on Mt. Harmsworth in 1957. Photo: Bernie Gunn

Grant Gillespie, the last dog handler sent me an envelope with the names of all the dogs, a special post mark, and Ross Dependency stamps, and the words:

Carried on the last dog sledge journey made in Antarctica by the Scott Base Dogs – 17 January 1987.

On February 4 1987 at midday, the US ship the Greenwave, entered Lyttelton Harbour delivering the last 14 Scott Base huskies. Accompanying them, was Grant Gillespie, the last dog handler. Watching on the wharf were many people who had close association with the Huskies such as Murray Douglas, who, with moist eyes, spoke to me about his days training the first Scott Base Huskies at Mount Cook and then accompanying them to Scott Base in 1956-57, veterinarian David Marshall who had worked with the health of the dogs for over 12 years. Pete Cleary, dog handler at British Antarctic bases for two years, and dog handler at Scott Base in 1978-79, Richard Balm dog handler in 1985-86, Eric Saxby who had done so much in organising the return of the dogs, and Bob Thomson, Director of Antarctic Division, were there. One 81 year old woman I spoke to said she saw the dogs off in 1956 and was pleased to welcome their offspring back.

This was the type of terrain the Antarctic Huskies excelled in, rugged, at altitude and remote. Taken near the Beardsmore Glacier.Photo: Bob McKerrow

As I boarded the ship to help take the dogs off, I was impressed with their condition. They were excited and looking at me with anticipation. I spent a lot of time at Will Steger’s homestead on a Lake near Ely, Minnesota in preparation for the 1986 North Pole expedition, and knew they would have a great home there, and a possibility of returning to Antarctica with Will.

Bob McKerrow guides a reluctant husky off the ship in Lyttleton. Grant Gillespie passes behind.

David Marshall checked each dog as we put them in cages and loaded them onto a truck. Murray Douglas took great interest and remarked “: They looked similar to the ones he took down.” My two daughters, Tania and Kira helped Grant, Eric and I load the dogs on the truck. Eric drove the truck as I sat on the deck with 14 howling dogs in cages; a curious traffic officer passed on a motor bike and stood up on his footrests and gazed at the dogs, and decided that asking questions would not help anyone.

Man and dog in Antarctica. Photo: Bob McKerrow

We got the dogs to the airport and we lugged their cages into a refrigerated chamber. The dogs were now mine. Will Steger said he would pay for the air freight to the US, but the money had not arrived. It was 5 pm. I knew if I presented my American Express Card, the woman on the counter would phone Amex HQ in Auckland, and from previous experience, I would be declined. I knew from previous experienced the office closed at 5.30 pm in Auckland, so I dithered around pretending to be examining the dog’s condition. At about 5.45 pm I presented my Amex card and the women said, “ I think the office for verification is closed. Do you have a good credit rating ?” Deliberately lying through my teeth, I said “I am wealthy, no problem “ and she gave me a bill for NZ$ 25,000. Will’s money came into my account a few days later.

Grant Gillespie had agreed to fly with the dogs via Nadi, Honolulu, Los Angeles and Denver, finally arriving in Aspen Colorado on 25 February 1987. Sadly, on arrival it was discovered that one dog had died, it was Stareek, a seven and a half year male. Stareek was the name of one of Scott’s dogs and in Russian means “ The old man.” The old man had led his team all the way to the US, and an autopsy revealed he had died of stress. All the other dogs arrived in perfect condition.

Keizo Funatsu describes meeting the dogs at Snowmass Colorado for the first time. “ I worked for Krabloonik Kennel there and Grant brought them over before they went to Minnesota. They had never seen trees and were fascinated by them, and slowly learned to take a pee on trees! “

Grant settled the dogs in at Will Steger’s homestead in Ely Minnesota before returning to New Zealand some months later.

Two years later, five of the 13 Scott Base dogs were selected for an arduous crossing of Antarctica with Will Steger’s International Trans-Antarctic expedition

In March 1990, Will Steger completed what no man had ever before attempted: the crossing of Antarctica on foot using dogs to pull the sledges. Steger and his International Trans-Antarctica Team performed an extraordinary feat of endurance covering 3741 miles.

In his book Crossing Antarctica, Will Steger describes the performance of the former Scott Base Dogs:

“Keizo’s team is the unruliest of the three, comprised of the five Antarctic dogs and seven from the Homestead…”

The five Antarctic dogs were: Bjorn the leader, Odin, Monty, Herbie and Casper. Of the thirty-six dogs that set out on the Trans-Antarctic journey, only twelve completed the full 3,741 miles. Three of them were from Scott Base, Bjorn, Monty and Herbie. Their Antarctic births at New Zealand’s Scott Base, strong genes and acclimatisation were a key factor. Monty was taken by Kenzo back to Japan, along with another dog, Kinta, to Osaka, where Kenzo used them as the foundation for a new dog team that he used at an outdoor centre he set up.

Five years later fear of the impact of dogs on wildlife led to a new clause in the Antarctic treaty: 'Dogs shall not be introduced onto land or ice shelves and dogs currently in those areas shall be removed by April 1994.' The last dogs were removed from Antarctica on 22 February 1994, 96 years after Huskies were first used for transport in Antarctica during the Southern Cross expedition under the Norwegian, Carsten Borchgrevink, in 1898 -1900

Fittingly, to close the story, I quote from the letter I received from Keizo Funatsu (photo below)on 1 September 2009

Hello Bob,
I am Keizo Funatsu. I received an email from Will Steger about you. I had the New Zealand Antarctica dogs during the Trans-Antarctic expedition 20 years ago. I have been living in Alaska for 15 years. I miss all Antarctic dogs. Their power was incredible to compare to Alaskan huskies here.

Monty and Herbie were brothers, both 4 years old and strong dogs. Bjorn was one of the leaders and the oldest dog in the Antarctica team. I think he was 6 years old. Those three Antarctic dogs completed the journey. Casper and Odin flew back when the aeroplane came to us on our way the South Pole. Odin got frostbite and I forgot why Casper flew out.

Bjorn was 8 years old when he completed the Antarctic trip. He was a good leader.
Monty and Herbie were strong fighters but they were steady workers and cute dogs.
All male Antarctica dogs were fighters among them but it was fun to work with.

Monty went to Japan to breed with some other dogs in Hokkaido, the northern-most island in Japan. Monty bred with the offspring of the dogs which Naomi Uemura brought back from his trip in the Arctic. Naomi was a famous Japanese explorer who died on the Mt. Denali right after his successful first solo winter ascent.

Kinta who came from the Eskimo village in Canada completed the journey and went to Japan. Kinta went to Hokkaido and worked for the outdoor school there.

For me, the journey is completed. The offspring of the New Zealand’s Scott Base dogs returned to their rightful place, the northern parts of the world after 31 years of useful work in Antarctica. For posterity, I list the names of the last Scott Base dogs and their details:

Thanks to David Harrowfield, Colin Monteath, Arnold Heine, Grant Gillespie, Will Steger, Keizo Funatsu and Gary Lewis for assistance with his article


Name Date of birth Sire
Odin m 20-02-85 Jen and Reheat
Tania f 20-02-85 Jen and Reheat
Casper m 20-02-85 Jen and Reheat
Herb m 06-01-84 Footrots and Manea
Monty m 06-01-84 Footrots and Manea
Kiri f 06-01-84 Footrots and Manea
Bjorn m 15-12-82 Tama and Helga
Footrots m 09-09-81 Julick and Abbe
Tama m 02-06-80 Muff and Cherry
Stereek m 09-12-79 Muff and Kiritea
Rehua f 14-06-79 Dick and Karen
Nimrod m 14-06-79 Dick and Karen
Julick m 14-06-09 Dick and Karen
Jens m 28-7-78 Huka and Kuia


Ruahines said...

Kia ora Bob,
An excellent and interesting history of these fine hard working fellows, dogs and men! I recall you telling me the story of getting the dogs to Minnesota over a scotch or two.
Sad news about Sir Howard. I recall as well that same evening watching the tribute show to Sir Howard and filling our glasses again. He will be missed and the rains pour down all day on the north island I cannot help but think in mystical terms. That the heavens are crying for him upon his Turangawaewae, and also welcoming him home.

Bob McKerrow - Wayfarer said...

I am on a beach in SW Java so I had not heard about Sir Howard. Sad.

Tks for yr feedback on the dog story. A lot of history there.

Kia Kaha


Gollum said...

A lot of names from the past in this posting. I can remember Murray Douglas when I was living down in the Waitaki Valley - he ran the tourist shop at Lake Benmore if I am not mistaken and was into flying model aircraft from a spot below the dam. I got quite a shock when I was told that he used to be a top mountain guide.

I couldn't figure out how to post for a while because the log-in page kept coming up in Arabic. Finally got it sussed now.

Keep up the good work there Bob and let's have a few more of those old mountain memories. There was a photo in the Alpine Journal around 1972 of a large party on the South Face of Douglas, including Aat Vervoorn and one of the Strangs. Were you on that climb?

Gary Lewis said...

Congratulations Bob on publishing a superb history in fine detail that urgently needed to be recorded before it is lost forever.

Thanks for the mention in credits, but you are being far too generous. I merely read the draft and commented on it.

Best regards old frien, and keep the powder dry.
Gary Lewis

Bob McKerrow - Wayfarer said...

Dear Gollum

Good that you are able to post comments. It probably was Murray Douglas who ran the shop at Lake Benmore. I must admit I never heard about him flying model aircrafts.

Yes, that photo of a climb of the South Face of Douglas would have been Jan 1973 with Aat Vervorn, Jim Strang. Colin Dodge and Etienne Kummar. A wonderful climb that was. With my new knees I night have a crack at it this summer. Thanks for visiting.


Bob McKerrow - Wayfarer said...

Dera Gary

Your feedback in the draft stage was important as comments from an OAE who has wintered at Vanda Station, means a lot.

Yes it is an important piece of NZ Antarctic history and I am so glad I had that summer at Scott Base before coming to Vanda. Chris Knott and I did quite a few trips together and our friendship endured for many years as he wintered over a few times more at UK Antarctic Bases.

Take care and tred lightly brother !


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Elizabeth said...

I really liked reading this article.

I've been to Ely Minnesota,and my parents are gona treat me to a dog sled ride next winter.

They have dog sled races in Ely,but I'm not sure if they had them this winter.It was very warm,and people were talking that there might not be enough snow,and it could be to warm for the dogs.

I bet the dogs have to eat big plates of food,because they burn alot of calories I bet on journeys like the ones in the pictures here.

Now I'm wondering just how much,and what they eat when on expeditions to the North Pole.

This sure is a cool blog,and gona let my science teach at school know about it..:)

Elizabeth in Minnesota

hurupakipod7 said...

Hi Bob
My class of primary school children (7&8 year olds)have been studying Antarctica and have been enraptured by stories of the huskies. We enjoyed Kim Westerkov's book "Last Huskies of Antarctica" and the children have been very keen to do their own research and find more information. They would like to write some of their own short fiction stories featuring the names and exploits of the Scott Base huskies. We have found lots of facts and hope you wouldn't mind if we wove these into our adventure stories. Maybe we could share some of them with you when they are finished. These beginning writers are always keen to share their efforts with others. We have some real aspiring authors amongst us!
Kind regards
Mary Leydon

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annecm said...

Thank you for that.
My Dad, Graeme Midwinter was part of the 1957 IGY team at Scott Base and told us stories of his favourite dog Elizabeth who used to keep his feet warm during late-night observations.
The photo we used of him at his funeral was him with Elizabeth and Fido.

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Peter McCarthy said...

Hi Bob, great website and excellent content with your photos. See
and click on issue Feb 17 2014. This explains a new project underway in Lyttelton where a sled dog will be immortalised in bronze looking out over Quail Island.
Cheers, Peter McCarthy (ANT NZ)

Chris (Husky Dog) said...

Hi Bob,
I was the doggy man (and a geologist) at Stonington in 1973-5 and I have a radio company coming to talk to me next week about the end of the BAS dogs (not the final end in 1993/4 but the bulk of the dogs in 1975 when I sent over Muff and ANother to Scott Base via Twotter with Giles.(Honest, she wasn't in pup when she left Stonington!(not Rothera)) This prompted me to do a search for Antarctic Huskies and came across our great piece of ScottBase history you have put together. I sledged with Chris Knott as my GA (Gen. Asst.) in my third summer on Alexander Island 74-75 and curiously only in last couple of months tracked him down to Skye. I will look him up in the summer. I still go to Antarctica every summer as a tour leader on a small cruise ship and the best lecture is always the one about the dogs.
I may come back to you with some questions when I have had another read through of your info. Good stuff though.
Cheers Chris Edwards Aberdeenshire Scotland

Alan Taylor said...

I was the dog handler for 1980-81 winter-over. I bred some of these dogs mentioned, I compiled the dog pedigree dating back to the introduction of the dogs as one of my last tasks which was then placed on the Scott Base wall.
I have hundreds of photos from my time stationed at Scott Base, I was also the field officer and search & rescue - with many field trips including meeting the TransAntartic Expedition Sir Renolf Feinds.
Alan Taylor

Alan Taylor said...

Edit the expedition

1980-1981 – Transglobe Expedition – led by Ranulph Fiennes

Scott Base dog handler 1980-81 winter-over

Alan Taylor

Unknown said...

Great read, thanks for compiling this information Bob. I was attached to the M/V Green Wave from the US Navy when we transported the dogs to Christchurch. I had been told that all of the dogs died in Ely. I am very happy to find out all these years later that 5 survived to return to Antarctica!

Unknown said...

Hi Bob, my late father wintered over in 1977-78 for USARP and had taken quite a few photos of the dogs, including pups which are either that 78 litter or one directly before it.

He fell in love with the dogs and ended up buying some of the first Siberian Huskies in New Zealand when her returned from the ice.

John + Karen Warren said...

Hi Bob,

My mother Sally came across your page today while looking up something about the Antarctic. You and your readers might like to know that my father Guyon's daily journal of his time in the Antarctic has been published. It covers his time as part of the Northern Party, out with the huskies, and the activities beforehand such as building Scott Base. It's available from CopyPress in Nelson.

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This is a great read, and a great piece of work, thank you. I was at the UK base, Rothera, a year or so before the dogs left there. I have a magazine article from Canadian Geographic which told the tale of the British dogs who were returned to the villages in Canada that their forebears had come from.

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medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction. Cenforce 100mg tablet is popularly known as the blue pill for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). It enables the user to reach orgasm during sexual arousal. This is a quick and easy way to treat sexual dysfunction.

Cenforce 150 is one of the medicines which is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or impotence in men. The doctors may prescribe Cenforce 150 mg Sildenafil in some cases for the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension.

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Fildena 150PDE5 inhibitory tablets help to supply more blood to the p*nile tissue through the p*nile arteries. This causes a hard erection.Fildena 150 mg drug, manufactured by Fortune Healthcare, is used to treat erectile dysfunction or impotence in impotent people. Also, the drug is sometimes used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension.
The drug should not be given to women and children under 18 years of age. Sildenafil citrate tablets take about 30 minutes to demonstrate their mechanism of action with success lasting up to 6 hours. Some impotent men will be allergic to the main active ingredient of the drug and should be examined for allergies.

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george said...

Cenforce200 is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This is a revolutionary drug containing sildenafil. It is an inhibitor of the action of the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which manifests itself in increasing blood flow to the p*nis during physical intimacy. Cenforce super strong 200 mg sildenafil is also recommended for people with pulmonary arterial hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia, as the drug significantly relaxes the male genital organ and improves the blood supply to the p*nis. The drug is a powerful drug, and one tablet helps to achieve a stable erection.
The independent decision to take ED medication can have serious health consequences. There are different doses and formulations of erectile dysfunction drugs. Therefore, it is imperative to consult your doctor before starting to take any medication. After consulting your doctor, you should take your prescription with the same dose.

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Kamagra Gold 100 is one of the medications that helps to cure erectile dysfunction (ED) and similar s*xual dysfunctions. The drug is always in great demand, because over time, the number of cases of erectile dysfunction has also increased several times in all parts of the world. In all corners of the world, people eat without even thinking about the possible consequences.
The rise in the number of cases of erectile dysfunction around the world raises several concerns about the health conditions in which we survive.

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Iverheal 12mg is a common drug containing ivermectin that helps treat various parasitic infections of the intestinal tract, skin and eyes.It is recommended that tablets be taken only after consulting a doctor and examining specific parasitic infections on specific parts of the body.

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waylenhill said...

Kamagra Oral Jelly is a trusted product of Genericpharmamall Ltd. in India. People call it liquid Kamagra or generic Viagra Kamagra gel. Sildenafil is the active salt it contains. It is present in the concentration of 100 mg. However, this amount is the same as other versions of generic Viagra. The jelly is effective in treating erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction in young or old men. It stimulates blood circulation to your sexual organs. Therefore, this action fills your penis with abundant blood.

waylenhill said...

Iverheal 6mg is an antiparasitic drug used to treat the condition of roundworm parasitic infections such as lice, scabies, onchocerciasis, strongyloidiasis and other parasitic symptoms. It acts on the root of the problem and naturally treats the problem of parasitic infestations while providing you with a permanent solution. This not only solves the problem but also prevents it from happening frequently in the future course so that you don't have to take medication frequently.

waylenhill said...

Vilitra 40 is usually taken by people with occasional problems with erectile dysfunction. You simply need to take one tablet orally at least 30 minutes before you plan to have s*x. If you want to take it regularly, talk to a doctor and find out a safe dose for you. Vilitra 5 mg or 10 mg tablets are usually recommended for daily use, but your doctor may also prescribe the 40 mg tablets if he thinks you need them. However, for people over 60 years of age, only Vilitra 5 mg is considered safe to consume daily.

waylenhill said...

Fildena 100 is one of many on-label strengths of prescription drugs recognized as Fildena, a sildenafil citrate compound produced by Fortune Health Care Pharmacy. This is a dose that is often prescribed as a first-line treatment for erectile dysfunction and as a long-term treatment for erectile dysfunction caused by poor blood circulation.

george said...

Fildena 100 is a drug used to treat patients with erectile dysfunction. The Fildena treatment is an answer for men who have difficulty obtaining an optimal erection.These drugs are incredibly useful for erectile dysfunction or weakness due to the unique disposition of Sildenafil Citrate. This drug unequivocally limits PDE5, a macromolecule involved in p*nile erection.In addition, essential drugs can effectively treat various conditions, for example, purulent prostatic hyperplasia and respiratory venous hypertension.

george said...

Vilitra40 The ordinary system begins when the conventional Vardenafil in each Vilitra p*ll breaks down. Thereafter, the PDE-5 chemicals are gradually but constantly blocked. When this stage is reached, new pathways open up for the creation of cGMP chemicals and the chemical begins to create progressively significant levels. More cGMP chemicals in your body can increase the volume of blood circulating in the supply lines of the p*nis, causing the vasodilation effects of nitric oxide. Since there is more blood in the two basic tissues of the p*nis when the pe*nis is animated by contact, erections can occur.

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Mark Allen said...

Cenforce 150 is to be taken as a complete tablet with a glass of water. It should not be broken and chewed while taking this tablet. Cenforce should be used only according to the guidance given by the doctor. The patient should take a dose of Cenforce 45 minutes or 1 hour before intercourse.In addition, s*xual stimulation in men is required for the effect of the drug. This medicine should not be taken within 24 hours after using it once and the drug has its effect for to hours.

Mark Allen said...

Fildena 150 medicine is considered a brand of Sildenafil and is largely used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. This is also very beneficial for impotent males. Fildena 100 is alternatively known as “the blue pill or man’s best friend”.It is a universal form of Viagra. Each medicine contains 100 mg of sildenafil citrate. This is also known as Fildena 100 purple. But before taking this medicine, people need to consult with a doctor. That means they should not take this medicine if the doctor does not prescribe it. Patients need to talk to a doctor if they have any problems.Apart from treating erectile dysfunction, this medication is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. Ultimate enhances the exercising capability of females and males. This medicine has another name “purple triangle pills’

Mark Allen said...

Vidalista 20mg is a variant of generic Tadalafil, which is a crucial ingredient of ED drugs manufactured by several brands. Tadalafil is a part of inhibitors medicines; hence, the drug can quickly accelerate the level in the body of males. Further, the level allows better blood flow in the p*nile region, which helps in relaxing stiff muscles and capillaries of the p*nis. Once such activities take place, the p*nis gets a stiff erection.Moreover, men taking this drug can also sustain the erection for long hours. Thus, the drug helps men in meeting the s*xual needs of their companions in bed.

RowanWilliams said...

Vilitra 40 should be taken approximately 30 minutes before planned sexual activity. It is not necessary to have sexual activity exactly after this time, but after this time you can be sure that if you are sexually aroused, Vilitra will restore your erection. The agent itself is taken orally and only once a day. We should not exceed this dose, as it can cause unwanted side effects such as headaches, back pain, muscle aches, pain in the arms and legs, as well as redness of the face, indigestion, heartburn and nasal congestion. Few patients experience these side effects. Vilitra 20 If complications arise after using the product, we should immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the drug. It is also important to take the medicine on an empty stomach as it works more effectively.

RowanWilliams said...

Fildena 120 is a brand name of medicine manufactured by Fortune Healthcare and is available as a 120 mg oral tablet, known as Fildena 120 mg.This dose of Fildena 120mg is popular as prescription pill to treat male sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction.The 120 mg dose of Fildena contains sildenafil citrate, which is a PDE5 inhibitor drug, and helps in the production of nitric oxide in the body, the drug is available in tablet form and should be taken orally with a little water.Fildena dosage Fildena 100 is used when a man needs to have successful s*x with his partner, and each pill has a specific length of time that it is active, then the symptoms will return to their usual state.

RowanWilliams said...

Cenforce 200 , also known as Sildenafil Citrate 200, is an effective medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence in men. It is an FDA approved drug belonging to the class of PDE5 inhibitors. It contains an active ingredient of sildenafil citrate present in the dose of 200 mg. You can buy Cenforce 100 for sale online from trusted drug manufacturers: Centurion Laboratories. Some of the websites may provide Cenforce 200 free shipping if the conditions match.

RowanWilliams said...

Kamagra 100 Tablet is a prescription medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis. This helps men get or keep an erection. It belongs to a group of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.Aurogra 100 is similar to Viagra with the chemical sildenafil citrate. This is widely used in the treatment of erectile failure in men. Approved by the FDA, this drug is safe to consume. Male impotence is the couple's biggest concern as it doesn't allow them to get along in the bedroom. This develops because less blood flows to the male organ.

RowanWilliams said...

Vilitra 60 is a medicine with the highest potency of the Vilitra brand that allows to harden the penis. Using the pills will give you stronger erections and temporarily overcome the problems of penis failure, which are medically called erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction for short. Super Vilitra is a specialized form of antiviral drugs. This drug is an essential treatment for male erectile dysfunction. It can help a man to have erections longer to have satisfying sexual intercourse. For a man suffering from erectile dysfunction, the blood circulation in the body does not work well. There are several locks.

RowanWilliams said...

Fildena 100 containing sildenafil citrate as main component helps relax blood vessels for smooth blood flow to the erectile tissues of the male genitals by inhibiting PDE-5 enzymes. This enzyme reduces blood flow in the erectile tissues of the male reproductive organ. After c-GMP induction, nitric oxide inactivates the enzyme and increases blood flow through the male reproductive organ, improving its erectile function. Fildena 100 Compound Sildenafil Citrate Tablets Fildena Strong 120 mg tablets treats the problem of impotence such as erectile dysfunction in menis known for its fast acting mechanism and long lasting and effective results.

RowanWilliams said...

Cenforce 120 tablet belongs to the PDE-5 inhibitor classification. Suffering from erectile dysfunction, person who should take Cenforce 120 mg tablets as recommended dose. Cenforce 120 mg tablet taken by mouth for about 15-30 minutes when the tablet works. In Cenforce 120 mg they are made up of chemicals sildenafil citrate that increase the level of cGMP in the body, which helps increase blood flow in the body's blood vessels. Cenforce 120 Sildenafil Cenforce 150 mg is the generic or unbranded version of Viagra. But some differences between Cenforce 150 Vs V*gra. The main component of both drugs is sildenafil. Both drugs are excellent for suppressing and overcoming the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

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Millions of men prefer to take cenforce fm 100 pills to treat serious problems like impotence or erectile dysfunction. With the help of this, drug men can be able to have amazing sex for a long time a with strong erection during their sexual activity. This pill is responsible for adequate blood flow to the penis. When you are sexually aroused, this pill helps to improve blood flow to the genital area, improve sexual endurance, and increase sexual desire and increase sexual confidence while making love. This drug usually gives effective results in 4-6 hours. It is also important to get a doctor's prescription before taking the medicine. You can then purchase this drug from the store.

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There are many medications available on the market for erectile dysfunction, but tadarise is the best pill to treat ED. The main ingredient is the tadalafil ingredient. This helps to provide blood flow to the penis, and helps to increase the level of sexual energy so that you can have good sex with your sexual life partner!! This pill you can buy tadarise pill online at and you can get the best discount on this pill. After using this pill, you can get a longer erection.

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Vidalista tablets are used to treat the physical problems of erectile dysfunction in men. These pills are safe to use and effectively treat diseases associated with impotence and PDE5 inhibitors. We strongly recommend that you consult your healthcare provider to know which dose is right for you before taking Vidalista Tablets. To get the fastest results, take Vidalista tablets after eating a low-fat meal as it slows down the effectiveness of Vidalista tablets.
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Cenforce D - Female sexual brokenness is a typical issue for females, all things considered. Be that as it may, it is normally age-related influencing exactly 30 - half of ladies, and is for the most part characterized by an absence of want to have intercourse, uneasiness during intercourse, diminished blood stream to the vagina or powerlessness to have a climax.
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Nowadays, Cenforce 100 has become the most popular and effective medicine used to treat male sexual problems. Taking this medicine only once gives very good results. The drug contains sildenafil citrate as the active ingredient. This drug increases blood flow to the blood vessels in the penis of men and helps in prolonged sex with a strong erection during sexual activity. This drug gives more effective results if taken on an empty stomach. This drug usually gives effective results for up to 4 to 5 hours. So buy cenforce 100 online today to treat your sexual problem and get rid of your sexual problem forever.

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Cenforce 150 Tablet is a medication for erectile dysfunction and is called generic viagra. Cenforce 50 reviewed those users who reviewed sildenafil and reported a favorable result. This pill, also known as red viagra, is one of the most well-known remedies for erectile dysfunction because it is affordable.It is an innovative that contains sildenafil.Cenforce D When a patient fails to achieve a firmer erection, he also loses confidence in s*xual activity. So this pill is also used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.And benign prostatic hyperplasia since the immensely calms the male s*xual organ and stimulates blood flow to the penis.Cenforce FM 100 The is a very effective medicine, and in addition, a pill helps to achieve a firm erection.

aaronwatson said...

First of all Vidalista 60 is a tablet having Tadalafil 60 mg weighted to treat erection problems in men or women.Have you ever faced difficulty in making your partner satisfied on the bed? Is your partner feeling frustrated and disappointed from that night? If yes, then this may be the result of Erectile Dysfunction or ED.Women are also living creatures they have their needs just like males both materialistic needs like cars, money, and dresses and s*xual needs. But due to a lack of s*xual education people give no heed to s*xual desires which then results in a lack of spice in everyday life.Often such negligence towards s*xual health leads to Erectile Dysfunction as people are not even aware of the reasons that can cause Erectile Dysfunction. Vidalista 80 And slowly the situation worsens which leads to the extramarital affair of the wife, regular conflicts in the family, getting teased by outsiders.All such after-effects ultimately cause the patient to land in a psychiatrist’s clinic due to depression, anxiety, etc. If you want to remain safe from all such incidents in your life then start using Vidalista Black 80 from now after doctor’s consultation.

aaronwatson said...

Super Vilitra is an allopathic medicine that can help you to outlast dual s*xual problems. There is a unique combination of two generic substances that have been designed and collaborated in the right proportions to give you good benefits from the dual problems.Many men suffer from lack of erections and premature ejaculation at the same time which is curable with the use of Vilitra 60 .Using the pills of this category means that you can get effective cure mechanisms to start right from today itself and thereby helping you to have a better erection and more control over ejaculation.As we mentioned above that the uniqueness of Vilitra 40 tablets lies in their unique composition. See, the pills of Super Vilitra contain two generic substances instead of one.Among them is Vardenafil which acts as a potent PDE-5 hormone inhibitor for curing poor quality erections and increasing the blood flow volume to the penis tissues to cause erectile hardness.On the other hand, you also have Dapoxetine which can help to bring relief from ejaculating prematurely. Vilitra 20 This means that now you can get better control over when to ejaculate and achieve orgasm.

aaronwatson said...

Super Kamagra is a 2-in-1 tablet that helps men with Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. Ajanta Pharmaceuticals specially make it to fulfill a man's dual need. Kamagra by Ajanta also comes in various other variants and strengths. Some other popular variants are Kamagra oral jelly, Kamagra chewable tablets, Kamagra Tab 100 mg, and Kamagra Oral Jelly .You can buy these medications with a doctor's prescription only.As mentioned above, Kamagra treats Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation in men.Erectile Dysfunction is a man's inability to get and maintain an erection for s*xual intercourse. Premature Ejaculation causes a man to ejaculate earlier than he would like. In other words, a man finishes quickly. These problems together can lead to a s*xually deprived bedroom for a couple. Kamagra Chewable pills containing Sildenafil and Dapoxetine can help a man get an erection while simultaneously making him last longer. This gives Super Kamagra its famous title of 2 in 1.

aaronwatson said...

The Ziverdo kit is a triple combination of active in their effective doses. You may be wondering why you have a supplement like a zinc tablet, deworming agent, and antibiotic in one kit. Well, it is a matter of research, and you can be sure that the best thing would be what would be approved by the FDA of INDIA.Ivermectin, one of the components of the Ziverdo kit, has been an agent used to treat various parasitic infections. It is indicated for use at the appropriate dose, but safety at a higher dose has not been established. Some have reported visual defects at higher doses. You may be curious to wonder what benefit you will get from the Ziverdo kit triple therapy. Yes, it attacks organisms, which makes it an excellent antiviral agent. The Iverheal 6mg has impressive efficacy on viruses, making it logical for use on dengue, yellow fever, sindbis virus. Ivermectin is usually given at a dose of 3 to 6 mg, but in the Ziverdo kit, the dose is increased to 12 mg dispersible tablets for greater efficacy.Zinc is another essential drug in the triple combination, aptly called a supplement; Zinc tablet has been used in different conditions, such as diarrhea, to reduce bowel movements. You might be starting to wonder what this has to do with the virus. Yes, the zinc tablet has importance in a higher dose. It is used in lower doses for diarrhea, especially in infants taking a 20-mg zinc tablet daily. Zinc is an excellent immune booster in higher dosage and has been recommended as a dietary supplement, but not in excess of the RDA. Iverheal 12mg The kit contains zinc acetate, which is equivalent to 50 mg of elemental zinc.

aaronwatson said...

Aurogra 100 is an oral tablet used to treat erection difficulties in men. Aurogra and Silagra are used to diagnose erectile dysfunction in men, which is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection necessary for s*xual performance.Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition in which men are unable to achieve or maintain an erection. Sildalist 120 contains the same active ingredients as sildenafil citrate, which is also included in the 100mg dose of the parent. Aurogra is a blue, diamond-shaped tablet that contains 100 mg of sildenafil citrate and is available online. The Aurogra is a well-known and incredibly fast therapy for erection problems.Compared to comparable generics to increase male s*xual ability, this medicine offers the following advantages.

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Anonymous said...

صيانة افران الغاز بالرياض ، تعد الأفران من الأجهزة الأساسية التي لا غني عنها في كل منزل أو مطعم أو أي مكان يستخدمها لأغراض الطبخ المختلفة، لذا فهي تكون معرضة دوماً للاتساخ وتراكم الدهون والبقع الناتجة عن تساقط الزيوت وبقايا الطعام المتناثرة أثناء الطهي، والتي تحتاج إلى مجهود كبير ووقت طويل من ربة المنزل أو الفرد عند القيام بتنظيفها.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

شركة تنظيف بالدمام عمالة فلبينية تعتبر من الشركات الرائدة في مجال التنظيف بالمنطقة. تتميز بفريق عمل ماهر ومدرب على أعلى مستوى، مستخدمين أحدث الأدوات والمعدات لضمان تقديم خدمة تنظيف متقنة وسريعة.