My last posting was mainly about what I see as the lines between aid agencies and the community work of the military becoming blurred in Afghanistan and other countries where there is conflict. I was also lamenting the fact that more and more humanitarian workers are being shot, maimed or killed. Little did I know then that it would come closer to home a few days later.
Last Thursday morning I went to Banda Aceh where the Red Cross is near to completing its large Tsunami rehabilitation programme. I was stunned to get a phone call late afternoon from one of the staff of the German Red Cross saying that Dr. Erhard Bauer had been shot not too far down the road from where I was. He was travelling with three Indonesian staff when a motorcycle drew up beside the vehicle with two passengers, the rear passenger fired three shots into the front passenger side window and one bullet passed through his left side and lodged inside Erhard's abdomen. Our Red Cross team in Banda Aceh speedily organised an evacuation to Singapore so the bullet could be removed. Surgery was successfully carried out and he is now stable and recovering. Thank God he was only wounded.
It was strange standing by Erhard's bedside in the hospital in Banda Aceh last Thursday night trying to provide moral support to him as he was struggling on life support equipment. Only five days early we met at a football match in Jakarta where our children were playing in opposing teams and as we both have a love of Afghanistan, we began talking about the places in Afghanistan where he lived for many years with his wife and children.
After a few hours on oxygen, Erhard removed his mask and although in pain, started talking about Afghanistan and surprisingly, we got onto the subject of Dr. Brydon, who was the sole survivor of a sixteen thousand five hundred strong retreating British army that fled Kabul in 1842 - all but Brydon were mercilessly massacred with horrific efficiency by Afghan forces lying in wait (depicted below).

For those of us who have worked in Afghanistan, the painting of Dr. Brydon (above) evokes an array of feelings. Recently, my good friend Paul Conneally posted an article on his outstanding blog
Paul give his take on recent events in Afghanistan:
Last week's suicide bombing and armed raids on a guest house frequented by UN staff in Kabul got me thinking, not for the first time, of this interminable part of the world. The UN bombing had been preceded a few days before hand by a suicide attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul that left at least 17 dead and dozens severely injured. Then, a few days after the UN bomb we had massive explosions in the crowded alleys of Peshawar's sprawling street markets that left more than a hundred civilians dead.
I remember back in 1999 when I had my Afghanistan time, the country - apart from a territory in the north - was presided over by the Taliban and an assembly of war lords. At that time there was no alcohol allowed, no women in the workforce (or anywhere else except mostly indoors), no television, no music - no fun basically. It was a tough time on many levels not least the psychological one. You have no idea how dreadfully depressing it can be to work with some twelve hundred colleagues all of whom are male with an average age of about 50! I longed for female company and I longed also for a cold beer at the end of the day.
Given the lack of social outlet and the very real security threats life was confined to work and (heavily guarded) home - a good time to catch up on my reading and experiment with some herbal teas. At that time I became fascinated with the historical writings on what is know as the Great Game - the great rivalry between the British and Russian empires that lasted the best part of one hundred intriguing years ending in 1921 with a friendship treaty between the two great foes. The prize for the Great Game was the Indian sub-continent which Britain declared the jewel in its crown and feared mightily that Russia would conquer Afghanistan and use it as a launching pad to snatch India.
So, not for the first or last time in her long and illustrious history, the nation of Afghanistan found itself at odds - through no real fault of its own - with major military powers. A victim of its own geography. But, not being one to turn down a decent offer of a good fight, Afghanistan embraced the Great Game and played both sides off against each other, much like they did with Persia during the same period and of course the Americans and the Soviets in the 1980's.
Never conquered. Never Divided.
History will show that the whole of Afghanistan has never, not once, been controlled from the centre. And, while (in western eyes) treachery and deceit are a frequent feature of their methods of warfare (rendering the Geneva Conventions culturally biased?) Afghanistan has incredibly remained solidly intact, never fragmenting along ethnic or religious lines and maintaining its borders since its inception. It clings fiercely to the origin of its name which is Sanskrit for "land of the allied tribes".
But, I digress. I did not intend a historical account, even a brief one. But it is necessary for the remainder of my tale. During those turbulent days back in 1999 we did manage to escape on rest and recreation every few months to Peshawar where the first destination was the long-established American Club - a place with cold beer, conversation with women and late night darts. At the entrance of this modest but grand old building, just before you climbed the stairs to the bar, hung a gilt-framed oil painting which always stopped me in my tracks and urged me to ponder awhile. It was an original copy of "Remnants of an Army" depicting a lone soldier, Scotsman Dr. William Brydon, at the gates of Jalalabad, which lie approximately half way along the 200 mile road between Kabul and Peshawar.
Brydon was the sole survivor of a sixteen thousand five hundred strong retreating British army that fled Kabul in 1842 - all but Brydon were mercilessly massacred with horrific efficiency by Afghan forces lying in wait (depicted above). The same Afghan forces, it should be mentioned, with whom they had been allied just a few days before - things can change very quickly in Afghanistan.
This effectively brought to an end the First Anglo Afghan War (1839 - 1842) and one of the lessons learned (for evaluation it seems was also a practice back then - makes you wonder if it is really possible to learn from our mistakes) was a telling and succinct recommendation whose relevance today is undeniable: The First Afghan War provided the clear lesson to the British authorities that while it may be relatively straightforward to invade Afghanistan it is wholly impracticable to occupy the country or attempt to impose a government not welcomed by the inhabitants. The only result will be failure and great expense in treasure and lives.
From Tipperary to Afghanistan and back
Now, that painting (shown at the top of this post), as mentioned, fairly captivated me at the time especially as I was so enamored with Peter Hopkirk's writings of the Great Game that repeatedly recalled the resilience of the Afghans throughout their long and combative history. Staring at the forlorn figure of Brydon, the lone horseman, one didn't know whether to feel pity or pride. His form embodied defeat, set against an unforgiving and alien landscape; and such were the incredible odds against his survival that you were forced to wonder whether the Afghans let him loose on purpose - a barely living testimony to their military might.
The painting was the work of an artist called Lady Elizabeth Butler. When writing this post I could not remember her name so scoured the internet until I found it - and I found out a few other aspects which struck me as interesting. Elizabeth was born in Lausanne (Switzerland) but married an Irish soldier, writer and adventurer called William Francis Butler.
William hailed from the impoverished famine fields of Tipperary and had risen to great heights in the British army. The couple returned to Ireland upon William's retirement and lived in Bansha Castle before moving eventually to the east coast of Ireland, settling down in Gormanstown Castle where they stayed till their final days and are buried at nearby Stamullen Graveyard.
Year's after my own Afghan adventure I tracked down some of Elizabeth's paintings at the Imperial War Museum in London, and I was not disappointed. I have heard that the painting of Brydon - the last remnant of a decimated army - now hangs at the Tate but will have to confirm that at a later date. It may be coincidence that a painting which had such a hold over me ten years ago somehow turned out to have strong Irish connections. Whatever the case, I'll be making my way to Stamullen cemetery the next chance I get to track down the last resting place of this incredible couple and pay them my respects.
My sincere thanks to Paul Coneally from Head Down Eyes Open
Hi Bob
I read this blog with profound interest. It has left me in deep thought as I keep on pondering why nations, super-nations keep on behaving like they do. Why do they continue to ignore the great lessons and insight to the present and future so generously provided by history. I'm absolutely delighted that you took the time at the most opportune moment to post this most delightful, insightful and informative blog on the most pressing issue of the day concerning Afghanistan and the lessons leaders of free world and the people should learn and not skim over. I can only hope and pray that they see the writing on the wall and act nobly before it is too late and put the "grave-diggers unemployed" in Afghanistan. Your blog is truly amazing. Take care and I thank you very much for sharing it.
Dear Paterika
Ahem, why do nations keep on behaving like they do, ignoring the lessons of history ? Well put ?
I watched a documentary on the assassination of Abrahim Lincoln last night, and was astounded by the forgiveness he had for the Confederates. He was a man who healed a nation.
Today's leaders cannot blow a candle to him, let alone understand foregiveness or how to heal.
What is ruining the world today is the advisors and consultants to world leaders, who stoke and stroke the egos of the paymaster, and lack the courage to give the truth, much of which comes from the lessons of history.
Alas my dear Paterika, I have no answers. Let us be judged by our deeds.
Kia ora Bob,
When I was kid one my neighbors older brothers was killed in Vietnam, and back then I recall wondering what it was really for. It didn't seem like the same sort of cause my own father had fought for in World War II, and really that it was just a waste.
As an American now all I can write is that I am glad my sons are here and especially the older one, as there is no way I would send him to Afghanistan. It is a cause as I wrote in my last comment that America just is not fully considering. Why is it all the advisors who so eagerly told Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon to get deeper and deeper into Vietnam, such as Melvin Laird, Robert McNamara, all recanted before they died, all admited they got it wrong. That it was never about communism but rather Vietnamese nationalism! Why cannot Obama read from history and learn? Is it because they have their own Lairds and McNamaras whispering in their ears?
You are right about Lincoln. His leadership skills were ever developing ever growing, his desire for healing and not revenge, and his deepening and emerging tolerance and humanity to all no matter the colour of their skin, it was all taken away too soon - and put into the hands of a racist drunkard like Grant! Maybe it has all been down hill from there.
Great post Bob, always appreciate a little more historical and cultural understanding.
Kia Ora Robb Your analysis and insightfulness amazes me Robb. The Vietnam war was a festering sore that divided America and you rightly ask, "why did the US not learn from it ? "
Those songs such as Judy Collins' Patriot Game,' Dylan's 'When will they ever learn,' Pater Paul and Mary's ' Where have all the flowers gone' are still there every day to listen to and learn from.
Thsanks for your feedback Robb.
It is the nature of political power, a hugely addictive (and perfectly legal) drug, that creates generation after generation of absolute disasters the price of which is paid for by the innocent and the young. I have spent a lot of time around the fringes of political power and been close enough to see how it affects people's behaviour and how it erodes their values. I remember David Halberstam's book on Vietnam which ultimately posed the question of how the "best and the brightest" men of a generation could get the US into the Vietnam mess. Similar books could be written about any other mess you care to choose.
I would not be surprised if 100 years from now, when all of us are just dust, there will still be "the Middle East problem" and the "Afghanistan Problem" or if not, there will be some new problem. But you can bet that the power-seekers will still be sending the young to their deaths.
As the old Pink Floyd song goes, "Forward he cried from the rear and the front rank died." It is always someone else who has to do the dying.
I was in Cassino a few months back on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. My father fought there in World War II as part of the 26 Canterbury Battalion. I estimated about 1,000 New Zealand soldiers were buried in the war cemetary there. At least they died as part of defeating a great evil - it must be hard for the current widows and orphans to find much comfort in what their husbands, fathers, sons etc are dying for.
Thank God we have the mountains, forests and rivers to dream about.
Dear Gollum
What you wrote is powerful, evocative and sadly true. The Pink Floyd words ring true. Put the Canon fodder out front and lead from the rear. My dad fought on Monte Cassino too, and was never quite the same when he came home, he screamed at nights reliving the hell he went through. Nearly all the people in his platoon died. He was in the 23rd Battalion.
There is soi much to discuss, so much to cry over, and yes, the mountains are our escape route.
I will be in Otipua over Christmas. Will you be down that way ? The little war memorial at the apex of my daughter's section at Otipua commeorates those brave soldiers from Otipua who went off to the first world war, and sadly, 11 or was it 13, never came back. Like you I often think of the emptiness in so many families. Di their Mums ever stop grieving ?
Was it not Dylan who wrote,
'there are rockets on the meadow, and ships upon the sea,
The answers in a forest carved upon a tree,
John loves Mary,
Does anyone love me ?
I often go outside and look at that small war memorial in Otipua.
and ask " What were they fighting for ?"
They have just opened a new World War One commemorative memorial in Timaru on Caroline Bay to honour the war dead. Over 1,000 from the region died in that war. Within 5 days some wonderful citizen had vandalised the memorial by smashing one of the "vandal-proof" panels. What a town! This outrage surpasses the beheading of birds in the Temuka aviary earlier in the year.
My father talked about Cassino a lot as he got older. It was without doubt a defining moment in the lives of those who fought there. That is what drew me to visit it.
I was somewhat dismayed to see that the war memorial in Cassino town consists of a shabby old Sherman tank and a broken down anti-tank gun. Still, even that is better than the tiny little headstone they have in Rome next to the Victor Emmanuelle building commemorating the Allied war dead. I stumbled over it by accident as I tried to escape a crowd of tourists.
I will not likely be back in New Zealand until maybe the end of 2010. However, I am seriously thinking that it is time I moved back permanently so that I can get back to the hills. Once this Saudi gig ends I will definitely be looking towards the Southern beech forests again. Summer evenings rock-climbing on the Port hills, weekends in Arthur's Pass, longer holidays in the Hopkins and Landsborough. Wonderful daydreaming material.
Dear Gollum
Your dreams of NZ are similar to mine. The beech forest in and around Arthur's Pass, I can see, feel and smell.
Gotta rush to another meeting.
Kia ora Bob,
Gollum's pointing out of Halberstam's book on Vietnam is very important. It was not till I read his book that I finally connected so many dots. And I was a history major!
And also in the importance of those Aotearoa mountains,forests, and rivers to dream about. May you both have the aroma of the mountain beech upon you soon.
Thanks Robb and Gollum for keeping the Vietnam debate alive for we all most learn from history.
Robb,you underscored the importance of those Aotearoa mountains,forests, and rivers to dream about.
What did Gaston Rebuffat say ? " I prefer dreams to memories."
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