" Elliot looks like someone who reads your water meter." Unacceptable racism by Australian cricket commentators.
The One Day International Cricket match between New Zealand and Australia is not over. I am furious with the racist attitude of the commentators
When New Zealand was 7 wickets for 237, a comment from the commentator. " Elliot looks like someone who reads your water meter." He has scored a great century against Australia when this comment was made.
Then a few seconds later, "Everyone is running Australia down this season," then a few seconds later " We get run down by an Ethiopian." Big, gutteral laughs from the commentators.
Do we have to put up with this racism from Australian cricket commentators ?
Kia ora Bob,
Racism is indeed alive and well all over the world. I have read some shocking things in the states as well. There is no place for that sort of carry on in a sporting event - that sort of crap reminds me of how great American sportsmen we defined, Jim Thorpe, the great Indian all around athlete hounded to his grave, Jesse Owens, Joe Louis, Jackie Robinson, all defined more by the colour of their skin than their amzing atheltic abilities and accomplishments. Just how far have we come?
It is little wonder the state of the indiginous people of Australia is in such dire straits.
Kia Ora Robb
Thanks for your support.Racism is indeed alive and well all over the world. We have seen the breakdown of apartheid in South Africa and we must continue to stamp it out. I am sending a complaint to the Australian broadcasting authority and the Australian Cricket Council.
Have a good week Robb.
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