Cooper, Michael Campbell, Born Apr 14 1948 in Cust, Rangiora County, Canterbury, New Zealand, Died Mar 26 1967 on Mt Awful, Wanaka, Otago, New Zealand
I saw this stark record on a website this morning. A wave of emotions from sadness to guilt swept over me. This was a death I had somehow shut out of my life since I got the news two days later, on March 28 1967.
Michael Cooper was my cousin. I was 24 days older than Michael. Our paths crossed frequently on the athletic track, mountaineering scene and on the Otago Youth Council. Michael was a brilliant student at King High School in Dunedin, and then went on to Otago university. He died on Mt. Awful, Otago, New Zealand. almost 44 years ago.
Gillespie Pass and Mt. Awful where Michael Cooper died.
It was an early Easter weekend in 1967, and I went off with friends. Unbeknown to me, Michael had joined a group of mountaineers from the Otago University to go climbing up the Young Valley, their goal Mt. Awful. Mt Awful, a 2192-metre peak near Gillespie Pass, dominates the headwaters of the Young River. Its neighbouring peaks are Mt. Horrible and Mt. Dreadful.
At the end of the weekend of Michael death, I was elated after doing one of those then rare ascents of Mt. Huxley. Death somehow stalked us that long weekend. When walking up the Hopkins Valley we came across a memorial cairn to a group of young Otago climbers who died from rockfalls on Mt. Trent in 1938. We said a silent prayer as we walked by. When we were on our climb of Mount Huxley, Jim Cowie told me of a climber who had died on this part of the mountain some years earlier.
On our descent, my rope mate Graham Lockett fell and as he slid rapidly passed me, he cut my face open with a glance from his ice axe. Fortunately we were roped together and jointly, arrested the fall. But there was blood on the snow.
Bob McKerrow (l) Graham Lockett and Keith McIvor on the summit of Mount Huxley March 27, 1967. Photo: Jim Cowie

Mount Awful from Gillespie Pass.
While we were putting a camp in under Mount Huxley on March 26, 1967, and preparing for our big climb the following day, Michael had camped on a ledge somewhere under Mt. Awful, and as he walked along a ledge to get some water to cook the evening meal with, he slipped on some mountain tussock, and fell to his death over a rocky ledge and down a mountain face. Eighteen years old, academically bright, handsome, athletic and the world was at his feet. A life snuffed out like a flame from a candle.
Three days later when I arrived home elated having climbed Mount Huxley, “ My Mother hugged me and said, “ Michael Cooper is dead.” I was numbed.
In the conservative 50s and 60s, we were never encouraged to go to funerals and somehow I never really grieved for Michael.
Sadly for his father and mother, my Uncle Campbell and Auntie Mavis, they had lost their first son, Murray. His death was on the same website I visited this morning.
Cooper, Murray Campbell, Born Feb 15 1940 in Dunedin,, Otago, New Zealand, Died 1945 in Portobello, Dunedin, , Otago, New Zealand
"Grandfather Robert Kinnaird, my Mum's Dad," wrote Maxwell Cooper to me, "was working in Port Chalmers and
returning on the ferry. Dad was in the air force in the North Island and Mum and Murray staying with parents.One night he came home and he looked for Murray, who usually met him at the ferry wharf at Portobello, and he couldn't see him. A few minutes later his body was found floating in the sea.
I saw this stark record on a website this morning. A wave of emotions from sadness to guilt swept over me. This was a death I had somehow shut out of my life since I got the news two days later, on March 28 1967.
Michael Cooper was my cousin. I was 24 days older than Michael. Our paths crossed frequently on the athletic track, mountaineering scene and on the Otago Youth Council. Michael was a brilliant student at King High School in Dunedin, and then went on to Otago university. He died on Mt. Awful, Otago, New Zealand. almost 44 years ago.
Gillespie Pass and Mt. Awful where Michael Cooper died.
It was an early Easter weekend in 1967, and I went off with friends. Unbeknown to me, Michael had joined a group of mountaineers from the Otago University to go climbing up the Young Valley, their goal Mt. Awful. Mt Awful, a 2192-metre peak near Gillespie Pass, dominates the headwaters of the Young River. Its neighbouring peaks are Mt. Horrible and Mt. Dreadful.
At the end of the weekend of Michael death, I was elated after doing one of those then rare ascents of Mt. Huxley. Death somehow stalked us that long weekend. When walking up the Hopkins Valley we came across a memorial cairn to a group of young Otago climbers who died from rockfalls on Mt. Trent in 1938. We said a silent prayer as we walked by. When we were on our climb of Mount Huxley, Jim Cowie told me of a climber who had died on this part of the mountain some years earlier.
On our descent, my rope mate Graham Lockett fell and as he slid rapidly passed me, he cut my face open with a glance from his ice axe. Fortunately we were roped together and jointly, arrested the fall. But there was blood on the snow.

Bob McKerrow (l) Graham Lockett and Keith McIvor on the summit of Mount Huxley March 27, 1967. Photo: Jim Cowie

Mount Awful from Gillespie Pass.
While we were putting a camp in under Mount Huxley on March 26, 1967, and preparing for our big climb the following day, Michael had camped on a ledge somewhere under Mt. Awful, and as he walked along a ledge to get some water to cook the evening meal with, he slipped on some mountain tussock, and fell to his death over a rocky ledge and down a mountain face. Eighteen years old, academically bright, handsome, athletic and the world was at his feet. A life snuffed out like a flame from a candle.
Three days later when I arrived home elated having climbed Mount Huxley, “ My Mother hugged me and said, “ Michael Cooper is dead.” I was numbed.
In the conservative 50s and 60s, we were never encouraged to go to funerals and somehow I never really grieved for Michael.
Sadly for his father and mother, my Uncle Campbell and Auntie Mavis, they had lost their first son, Murray. His death was on the same website I visited this morning.
Cooper, Murray Campbell, Born Feb 15 1940 in Dunedin,, Otago, New Zealand, Died 1945 in Portobello, Dunedin, , Otago, New Zealand
"Grandfather Robert Kinnaird, my Mum's Dad," wrote Maxwell Cooper to me, "was working in Port Chalmers and
returning on the ferry. Dad was in the air force in the North Island and Mum and Murray staying with parents.One night he came home and he looked for Murray, who usually met him at the ferry wharf at Portobello, and he couldn't see him. A few minutes later his body was found floating in the sea.
Campbell and Mavis are dead, but one son, Maxwell survives.
The same year two other close friends who were emerging mountaineers died: Richard Tilley killed by an avalanche on Mt. Avalanche in Arthur’s Pass, and Howard Laing, in a car accident.
I remember writing a poem at the time about the deaths of friends on mountains. Perhaps that is how I worked through my grief:
All stones we learn as children
Are dead inanimate things
But stones falling on a mountain
Are alive with a death that sings
A stone's song is enchanting
Fit for mountain Kings
First it’s high, then low
Lachrymose from the strings
The same year two other close friends who were emerging mountaineers died: Richard Tilley killed by an avalanche on Mt. Avalanche in Arthur’s Pass, and Howard Laing, in a car accident.
I remember writing a poem at the time about the deaths of friends on mountains. Perhaps that is how I worked through my grief:
All stones we learn as children
Are dead inanimate things
But stones falling on a mountain
Are alive with a death that sings
A stone's song is enchanting
Fit for mountain Kings
First it’s high, then low
Lachrymose from the strings
Kia ora Bob,
My condolences. Though this happened long ago the loss we feel becomes part of us, and from time to time emerges from the depths. You know many whom have lost their lives in these wild places doing that which they loved. I don't think that necessarily makes death any easier to accept as we think of what might have been, particularly with those so young such as your cousin.
Your words on the stoicism of the 50's and 60's are true indeed. I had my best friend die at age 15 through suicide in the 70's and that was literally shoved under the rug as well, leaving me to grapple with the questions, well, even now.
At the very least it is released in the words of your poem and your actions, rather than in harmful negative ways. Kia kaha Bob.
Kia ora Robb,
The loss of people we love and resopect, their memories remain with us forever. It is not always for the things we did together, but what we should have done together. Michael and I used to compete together in the Otago 600 metres championships, but we never went to the hills together.
Yes the stoicism of the 60s didn't help us grieve as well as we should have, but that was life then.
Sorry to hear about the death of your very best friend many years ago. These traumatic experiences enrich us in hindsight, and make us who we are today.
Kia kaha,
Thanks for the valuable memories, Bob.
It seems unreal to be skilfully taking on a mountain then have such a terrible accident in circumstances that appear trivial by comparison. I'm not an alpine climber and will probably never be, but from my limited experience of accidents in the outdoors, I wonder how often people make mistakes simply because they've let their guard down at the end of a day. All too often I guess, sadly. The occasional mis-haps I've had to date (fortunately without serious consequences) have been more likely to occur at times when I've assumed I was reasonably safe, rather than pumped on adrenaline and panicking about everything that could go wrong.
Dear Mike
thanks for your interest. You are right to a large extent, it is often early in the morning when you are drowsy or late in the day when the serious stuff is over, that accidents happen.
The first man to go over the Niagra falls in a barrel was a Kiwi and he came out unharmed, but yet died some years later when he slipped on a banana skin in Auckland and smashed his skull.
Thanks for your comments. It is always a pleasure to have people from your part of the world, dropping by.
Hi Bob
Thank you very much for sharing one of your emotional moments. The pain of death never really goes away especially when it strikes so close to home. The way grief is managed in the healing process is what really counts. Appropriate closure is what you yearn for and poetry has never failed in this regard. My condolences to you as you grapple with the healing process.
Indeed,you have written an excellent poem in the form of an Elegy, so I can assure you that by reaching out to poetry was wise and should help tremendously in soothing your pain and drying your tears of remembrance at the loss of your cousin though so many years have gone by. The last stanza is very poignant indeed and I see the entire poem as a commemorative lamentation for which true mountaineers can understand and those who follow the works of these special guys with nerves of steel.
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Thank you Paterika
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