I am giving a talk in Delhi on Monday to friends and I was getting Anuj to assist me to polish up my slide presentation. Then I splurged out and bought more books. My suitcase is full of wonderful newly published books.
I then copied 60 odd pictures for Ricky Ram back in Sidhbari as I promised to send him a record of the trip. Then I went round the corner and bought one kilo of good lamb (probably goat) from my favourite butcher plus some quality vegetables. Cooked myself a tasty lamb curry for a late lunch and then watched a little cricket and then dived into a few good books. The lamb curry was so good that I made a second one for a late dinner and washed it down with a fine bottle of Indian Red cabernet savignon. Gosh, Indian wines have improved over the past ten years.
The booksell/publisher and his shop
Anuj Bahri hard at work. Mobile in one hand talking, laying out a book on computer screen and keeping an eye on the shop from his private perch.
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