caption: Storytellers meeting in the Cricket Club in Colombo, Sri Lanka.AGG, is 2nd from the right in a blue shirt. He can tell stories in Arabic, French, Gaelic and a barely understandable English from the highlands of Scotland. Patrick Fuller, left, me in the brown shirt,Steffan Kuhne Hellmessen who can tell tales in 8 languages, on the far right.
Photo Credit: Simon Missiri, a Russian story teller.
I have much enjoyed reading your BLOG since my return from a break with the family in Highlands of Scotland. Great stuff! You are a worthy descendant of the traditional Celtic storyteller, the "seanchaidh", whose eulogies and poetry were such an integral part of the old clan settlements, and fundamental to the mystique, respect and popularity of his Chieftain. I have put your website amongst my "favourites" page, and look forward to logging on with regularity - so keep the posts coming!
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